Geek Cast Live 6.271 : How Sinbad Lost His Legs

Sometimes announcements aren’t what they seem.  Sometimes they are filled with uninspired fluff, not unlike a shitty donut.  This is what Nic’s thinks about this years Marvel SDCC announcement.  He is met with opposition .  We also deep dive into the world of glass blowing.  Shocked right?



Check out the Twitch stream here!

Check out the Movie Podcast Network with just a click!

Check out Poprika using the nifty little link just below this sentence!!

Plugs and Amazing Folks

Check out The Movie Podcast Network @ Movie Podcast Network

Be sure to check out our Patreon

Check out this amazing charity! Operation Supply Drop
Follow their twitter: @OperationSupplyDrop

Be sure to hit up the Wayward Ravens and check out their store be sure to use our discount code on their purchases! DC: neckbeard

Get yourselves some damn good coffee at Player One Coffee! DC : Geek Cast Live

Tweet the Geek Cast

Related Websites
For all the in’s and out’s this on the Geek Cast Crew: Geek Cast Live
Check out G2V Podcast, Dungeons and Randomness, and Movie Podcast Weekly because they’re awesome. Duh.

Shout Out To Our Patreon Supporters! Every penny brings us one step closer to destroying the moon.

Danger Johnson, Brandon Rust, Kelly Shuttlewood, Polinerds, Lada Bartova , & Jesse G Letourneau.

Geek Cast Live 5.230 : That Pimp Steve Coogan

Great conversation abounds as we remember the life of our Grandpa, one of the worlds great storytellers.  We tell tales both tall and small drinking some Early Times remembering the guy we thought would never go.  We also talk about Mike Bay and Steve Coogan so enjoy that.

Get on over to Archon Games and check them out! 
Back their Kickstarter for Nexus Infernum here!
Listen to some sexual metal here!

Check out the Twitch stream here!

Check out the Movie Podcast Network with just a click!

Check out Poprika using the nifty little link just below this sentence!!

Plugs and Amazing Folks

Check out The Movie Podcast Network @ Movie Podcast Network

Be sure to check out our Patreon

Check out this amazing charity! Operation Supply Drop
Follow their twitter: @OperationSupplyDrop

Be sure to hit up the Wayward Ravens and check out their store be sure to use our discount code on their purchases! DC: neckbeard

Get yourselves some damn good coffee at Player One Coffee! DC : Geek Cast Live

Tweet the Geek Cast

Related Websites
For all the in’s and out’s this on the Geek Cast Crew: Geek Cast Live
Check out G2V Podcast, Dungeons and Randomness, and Movie Podcast Weekly because they’re awesome. Duh.

Shout Out To Our Patreon Supporters! Every penny brings us one step closer to destroying the moon.
Danger Johnson , ASAP from NY, Dan the Man from Chicago, Vikram aka Addam aka Lil’ Squire from the Hood from Narnia, Gomez son of Gomez from Chicago, Flashy Brett Javier from MoonBase Alpha, the MamaBear, and Tim

Geek Cast Live S4E17: The Backroads of the Internet

This week the Geek Cast crew sit down and talk Netflix, after accidentally jettisoning Nic towards the sun. Everything from Mel Gibson and beaver puppets, to the History of Future Folk. Hidden gems, popular shows, and the best of the worst are all discussed! We learned that Mindhorn is a thing, and if you haven’t watched it do so.

The Do Review: 

Bit ‘ o ‘Bass: Soundgarden – The Day I Tried To Live

Plugs and Amazing Folks

Be sure to check out our Patreon

Check out this amazing charity! Operation Supply Drop
Follow their twitter: @OperationSupplyDrop

Be sure to hit up the Wayward Ravens and check out their store be sure to use our discount code on their purchases! DC: neckbeard 

Tweet the Geek Cast

Related Websites
For all the in’s and out’s this on the Geek Cast Crew: Geek Cast Live
Check out G2V PodcastDungeons and Randomness, and Movie Podcast Weekly because they’re awesome. Duh.

Shout Out To Our Patreon Supporters! Every penny brings us one step closer to destroying the moon.
ASAP from NY, Dan the Man from Chicago, Vikram aka Addam aka Lil’ Squire from the Hood from Narnia, and Gomez, son of Gomez, from Chicago  ,  Flashy Brett Javier from MoonBase Alpha, the MamaBear, and Tim.