Geek Cast Live S5E198 : The Great Tide Pod Calamity

We are back marder farkers!!! In this raucous season five opener we catch up on what we have been doing over the break.  This includes a bleak overview of idiots who eat Tide and an even bleaker look at Fast 8.  Our guest this week is Jimmie Whisman , one of the hosts of Small Town Murder and Crime in Sports.  The guy is funnier then us and makes Nic piss himself.  Its a hoot.

Listen To Small Town Murder Right Here

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Danger Johnson , ASAP from NY, Dan the Man from Chicago, Vikram aka Addam aka Lil’ Squire from the Hood from Narnia, Gomez son of Gomez from Chicago, Flashy Brett Javier from MoonBase Alpha, the MamaBear, and Tim