Geek Cast Live Podcast Ep 001: The Time of the Geek… And Sig-Ned

wr geek

In our Twitter driven segment #GeekWeekly we discuss and review three comics from Wayward Raven. For our main discussion we talk about the third most important thing that happened this Christmas. The Doctor Who Christmas Special and all things timey-wimey. Finally, we wrap this whole first show up with #TheGeekery, the three of us talking about what has our geek flag flying this week.

Tweet the Geek Cast Live Show and Donut Show!
Tweet #GeekWeekly for reviews, or just tweet us for fun: @GeekCastLive
Also, check out our sister show: @DonutShow

Plugs and Amazing Folks
Check out this amazing charity! Operation Supply Drop
And follow their twitter: @OperationSupplyDrop

Don’t forget to check out Wayward Raven! Great up and coming comic publisher! Can’t wait to see more from them!

Tweet the Geek Cast

Related Websites
For all the in’s and out’s this on the Geek Cast Crew: Geek Cast Live
For more info about this fantastic show: The Donut Show