Geek Cast Live 6.274 : Caribou MILF


We are joined by our first ever guests ,ASAP & Mark from Wayward Raven, to discuss the end of one of their very popular comics.  There is laughter and banter, as old friends collide creating a blackhole of fortune.  Then we start drinking.  This leads us to a Mt. Rushmore and Crazy Horse of beer.  30 beers are discussed and ranked  Nothing makes sense until it all makes sense.



Check out the Twitch stream here!

Check out the Movie Podcast Network with just a click!

Check out Poprika using the nifty little link just below this sentence!!

Plugs and Amazing Folks

Check out The Movie Podcast Network @ Movie Podcast Network

Be sure to check out our Patreon

Check out this amazing charity! Operation Supply Drop
Follow their twitter: @OperationSupplyDrop

Be sure to hit up the Wayward Ravens and check out their store be sure to use our discount code on their purchases! DC: neckbeard

Get yourselves some damn good coffee at Player One Coffee! DC : Geek Cast Live

Tweet the Geek Cast

Related Websites
For all the in’s and out’s this on the Geek Cast Crew: Geek Cast Live
Check out G2V Podcast, Dungeons and Randomness, and Movie Podcast Weekly because they’re awesome. Duh.

Shout Out To Our Patreon Supporters! Every penny brings us one step closer to destroying the moon.

Danger Johnson, Brandon Rust, Kelly Shuttlewood, Polinerds, Lada Bartova , & Jesse G Letourneau.

Geek Cast Live 6.261 : Mutant Lust

With Nic testing out his “about to be a dad again ” podcasting schedule the podcast boys are left to their own devices.  Mother Farking X-Men it is!  We talk about the classic cartoon, the shitty movies, and the upcoming reboot of the comics.  Spoiler alert …we love Gambit.



Check out the Twitch stream here!

Check out the Movie Podcast Network with just a click!

Check out Poprika using the nifty little link just below this sentence!!

Plugs and Amazing Folks

Check out The Movie Podcast Network @ Movie Podcast Network

Be sure to check out our Patreon

Check out this amazing charity! Operation Supply Drop
Follow their twitter: @OperationSupplyDrop

Be sure to hit up the Wayward Ravens and check out their store be sure to use our discount code on their purchases! DC: neckbeard

Get yourselves some damn good coffee at Player One Coffee! DC : Geek Cast Live

Tweet the Geek Cast

Related Websites
For all the in’s and out’s this on the Geek Cast Crew: Geek Cast Live
Check out G2V Podcast, Dungeons and Randomness, and Movie Podcast Weekly because they’re awesome. Duh.

Shout Out To Our Patreon Supporters! Every penny brings us one step closer to destroying the moon.

Danger Johnson, Brandon Rust, Kelly Shuttlewood, Polinerds, Lara Bartova , & Jesse G Letourneau.

Geek Cast Live 6.259 : We Love You 3000

The first episode to be recorded after the peak of geek is always the hardest.  With the much ballyhooed Battle of Winterfell & Avengers Endgame both coming in the same weekend the Podcast Boys had a tough time managing their emotions.  Just kidding!  We wear our hearts on our sleeves in this angst fueled episode of Geek Cast Live.


Check out the Twitch stream here!

Check out the Movie Podcast Network with just a click!

Check out Poprika using the nifty little link just below this sentence!!

Plugs and Amazing Folks

Check out The Movie Podcast Network @ Movie Podcast Network

Be sure to check out our Patreon

Check out this amazing charity! Operation Supply Drop
Follow their twitter: @OperationSupplyDrop

Be sure to hit up the Wayward Ravens and check out their store be sure to use our discount code on their purchases! DC: neckbeard

Get yourselves some damn good coffee at Player One Coffee! DC : Geek Cast Live

Tweet the Geek Cast

Related Websites
For all the in’s and out’s this on the Geek Cast Crew: Geek Cast Live
Check out G2V Podcast, Dungeons and Randomness, and Movie Podcast Weekly because they’re awesome. Duh.

Shout Out To Our Patreon Supporters! Every penny brings us one step closer to destroying the moon.

Danger Johnson, Brandon Rust, Kelly Shuttlewood, Polinerds, Lara Bartova , & Jesse G Letourneau.

Geek Cast Live 6.253 : Dolphin Fist

The Geek Madness Bracket has arrived!!! We select our 64 top fictional objects of all time covering comics, video games , movies, literature and television.  Nic loose grasp of the rules makes this show a whammy fueled and hilarity filled episode.


Check out the Twitch stream here!

Check out the Movie Podcast Network with just a click!

Check out Poprika using the nifty little link just below this sentence!!

Plugs and Amazing Folks

Check out The Movie Podcast Network @ Movie Podcast Network

Be sure to check out our Patreon

Check out this amazing charity! Operation Supply Drop
Follow their twitter: @OperationSupplyDrop

Be sure to hit up the Wayward Ravens and check out their store be sure to use our discount code on their purchases! DC: neckbeard

Get yourselves some damn good coffee at Player One Coffee! DC : Geek Cast Live

Tweet the Geek Cast

Related Websites
For all the in’s and out’s this on the Geek Cast Crew: Geek Cast Live
Check out G2V Podcast, Dungeons and Randomness, and Movie Podcast Weekly because they’re awesome. Duh.

Shout Out To Our Patreon Supporters! Every penny brings us one step closer to destroying the moon.
Danger Johnson , ASAP from NY, Dan the Man from Chicago, Vikram aka Addam aka Lil’ Squire from the Hood from Narnia, Gomez son of Gomez from Chicago, Flashy Brett Javier from MoonBase Alpha, the MamaBear, and Tim

Geek Cast Live 5.212 : The Great Con Comedown

Amazingly GCR was able to make this episode.  Probably for the worst.  The gang tackles the con comedown blues as we talk about our plans for next years con. Cosplay will be a thing.  This politely moves us into a conversation about Infinity War.  There are spoilers up ahead.  You will never be warned again.

Plugs and Amazing Folks

Check out The Movie Podcast Network @ Movie Podcast Network

Be sure to check out our Patreon

Check out this amazing charity! Operation Supply Drop
Follow their twitter: @OperationSupplyDrop

Be sure to hit up the Wayward Ravens and check out their store be sure to use our discount code on their purchases! DC: neckbeard

Get yourselves some damn good coffee at Player One Coffee! DC : Geek Cast Live

Tweet the Geek Cast

Related Websites
For all the in’s and out’s this on the Geek Cast Crew: Geek Cast Live
Check out G2V Podcast, Dungeons and Randomness, and Movie Podcast Weekly because they’re awesome. Duh.

Shout Out To Our Patreon Supporters! Every penny brings us one step closer to destroying the moon.
Danger Johnson , ASAP from NY, Dan the Man from Chicago, Vikram aka Addam aka Lil’ Squire from the Hood from Narnia, Gomez son of Gomez from Chicago, Flashy Brett Javier from MoonBase Alpha, the MamaBear, and Tim

Geek Cast Live S5E198 : The Great Tide Pod Calamity

We are back marder farkers!!! In this raucous season five opener we catch up on what we have been doing over the break.  This includes a bleak overview of idiots who eat Tide and an even bleaker look at Fast 8.  Our guest this week is Jimmie Whisman , one of the hosts of Small Town Murder and Crime in Sports.  The guy is funnier then us and makes Nic piss himself.  Its a hoot.

Listen To Small Town Murder Right Here

Plugs and Amazing Folks

Check out The Movie Podcast Netwok @ Movie Podcast Network

Be sure to check out our Patreon

Check out this amazing charity! Operation Supply Drop
Follow their twitter: @OperationSupplyDrop

Be sure to hit up the Wayward Ravens and check out their store be sure to use our discount code on their purchases! DC: neckbeard

Get yourselves some damn good coffee at Player One Coffee! DC : Geek Cast Live

Tweet the Geek Cast

Related Websites
For all the in’s and out’s this on the Geek Cast Crew: Geek Cast Live
Check out G2V Podcast, Dungeons and Randomness, and Movie Podcast Weekly because they’re awesome. Duh.

Shout Out To Our Patreon Supporters! Every penny brings us one step closer to destroying the moon.
Danger Johnson , ASAP from NY, Dan the Man from Chicago, Vikram aka Addam aka Lil’ Squire from the Hood from Narnia, Gomez son of Gomez from Chicago, Flashy Brett Javier from MoonBase Alpha, the MamaBear, and Tim

Geek Cast Live S4E48: Dicks In Discord

This week on Geek Cast Live the gang falls into a pit of Discord! In wrapping up 2017 we talk the best and worst of our year, and in the year of geeknerddom! We discuss, in depth, about Star Wars: The Last Jedi! And Joe finally gets into the Vatican’s Secret Library, only to realize it’s filled with 80s smut novels. Dive in and enjoy! See you next year, geeks!

Plugs and Amazing Folks

Check out The Movie Podcast Netwok @ Movie Podcast Network

Be sure to check out our Patreon

Check out this amazing charity! Operation Supply Drop
Follow their twitter: @OperationSupplyDrop

Be sure to hit up the Wayward Ravens and check out their store be sure to use our discount code on their purchases! DC: neckbeard

Tweet the Geek Cast

Related Websites
For all the in’s and out’s this on the Geek Cast Crew: Geek Cast Live
Check out G2V Podcast, Dungeons and Randomness, and Movie Podcast Weekly because they’re awesome. Duh.

Shout Out To Our Patreon Supporters! Every penny brings us one step closer to destroying the moon.
Danger Johnson , ASAP from NY, Dan the Man from Chicago, Vikram aka Addam aka Lil’ Squire from the Hood from Narnia, Gomez son of Gomez from Chicago, Flashy Brett Javier from MoonBase Alpha, the MamaBear, and Tim

Geek Cast Live S4E38: JJ Abrams, Anti-Christ

With GCR taking his inaugural flight into space, the Geek Cast crew decide to trudge on without him. With a plethora of trailers dropping this week, the crew dives in and delves deep giving a thorough breakdown of Thor: Ragnarok, Justice League, and the much anticipated Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Thoughts are exchanged, theories are drawn up, and Nic has a seance with the Force Ghost of his former master. Truly one for the ages.

Plugs and Amazing Folks

Checl out The Movie Podcast Netwok @ Movie Podcast Network

Be sure to check out our Patreon

Check out this amazing charity! Operation Supply Drop
Follow their twitter: @OperationSupplyDrop

Be sure to hit up the Wayward Ravens and check out their store be sure to use our discount code on their purchases! DC: neckbeard 

Tweet the Geek Cast

Related Websites
For all the in’s and out’s this on the Geek Cast Crew: Geek Cast Live
Check out G2V PodcastDungeons and Randomness, and Movie Podcast Weekly because they’re awesome. Duh.

Shout Out To Our Patreon Supporters! Every penny brings us one step closer to destroying the moon.
ASAP from NY, Dan the Man from Chicago, Vikram aka Addam aka Lil’ Squire from the Hood from Narnia, Gomez son of Gomez from Chicago, Flashy Brett Javier from MoonBase Alpha, the MamaBear, and Tim.