Geek Cast Live 6.272 : Live At Loughmillers Again

Its GENCON again which can only mean one thing…..a rambling , drunk, live recording from the amazing Loughmillers in downtown Indianapolis!  We have two special guests (one planned one not) , and we talk about what we are looking forward to this year in the exhibition hall.  This is one for the books. Be sure to check out next weeks show for a full breakdown of games played and drinks drunk.



Check out the Twitch stream here!

Check out the Movie Podcast Network with just a click!

Check out Poprika using the nifty little link just below this sentence!!

Plugs and Amazing Folks

Check out The Movie Podcast Network @ Movie Podcast Network

Be sure to check out our Patreon

Check out this amazing charity! Operation Supply Drop
Follow their twitter: @OperationSupplyDrop

Be sure to hit up the Wayward Ravens and check out their store be sure to use our discount code on their purchases! DC: neckbeard

Get yourselves some damn good coffee at Player One Coffee! DC : Geek Cast Live

Tweet the Geek Cast

Related Websites
For all the in’s and out’s this on the Geek Cast Crew: Geek Cast Live
Check out G2V Podcast, Dungeons and Randomness, and Movie Podcast Weekly because they’re awesome. Duh.

Shout Out To Our Patreon Supporters! Every penny brings us one step closer to destroying the moon.

Danger Johnson, Brandon Rust, Kelly Shuttlewood, Polinerds, Lada Bartova , & Jesse G Letourneau.

Geek Cast Live S4E32: Smells Like Rebellion

This week the Geek Cast crew try to do some housekeeping… and it ends in another Blackfyre Rebellion. Joined in our antics are ASAP and Mark from Wayward Raven Comics! We discuss everything from blood feuds, to Comic Conventions, and the plot behind the bitter steel. Come one, come all, there’s a dragon to slay!

Plugs and Amazing Folks

Checl out The Movie Podcast Netwok @ Movie Podcast Network

Be sure to check out our Patreon

Check out this amazing charity! Operation Supply Drop
Follow their twitter: @OperationSupplyDrop

Be sure to hit up the Wayward Ravens and check out their store be sure to use our discount code on their purchases! DC: neckbeard 

Tweet the Geek Cast

Related Websites
For all the in’s and out’s this on the Geek Cast Crew: Geek Cast Live
Check out G2V PodcastDungeons and Randomness, and Movie Podcast Weekly because they’re awesome. Duh.

Shout Out To Our Patreon Supporters! Every penny brings us one step closer to destroying the moon.
ASAP from NY, Dan the Man from Chicago, Vikram aka Addam aka Lil’ Squire from the Hood from Narnia, Gomez son of Gomez from Chicago, Flashy Brett Javier from MoonBase Alpha, the MamaBear, and Tim.

Geek Cast Live S4E20: Praise It

This week the Geek Cast crew banter about everything from the strange and unusual, to the intricacies of chess. We learn about Nic’s disdain for Dan Brown, and what exactly a Three-Point Vermilion is. Who would have thought it was actually a spell to bring back dead games?

Bassness: K?d & Varien – Catherine

Plugs and Amazing Folks

Be sure to check out our Patreon

Check out this amazing charity! Operation Supply Drop
Follow their twitter: @OperationSupplyDrop

Be sure to hit up the Wayward Ravens and check out their store be sure to use our discount code on their purchases! DC: neckbeard 

Tweet the Geek Cast

Related Websites
For all the in’s and out’s this on the Geek Cast Crew: Geek Cast Live
Check out G2V PodcastDungeons and Randomness, and Movie Podcast Weekly because they’re awesome. Duh.

Shout Out To Our Patreon Supporters! Every penny brings us one step closer to destroying the moon.
ASAP from NY, Dan the Man from Chicago, Vikram aka Addam aka Lil’ Squire from the Hood from Narnia, Gomez son of Gomez from Chicago, Flashy Brett Javier from MoonBase Alpha, the MamaBear, and Tim.

Geek Cast Live S4E14: Infinity Monkeys… In Space!

This week on Geek Cast Live, the Crew find something else to fight about involving Superman in our opening segment! We’re then joined with our boys from over at Infinite Monkey Games, who just launched their Kickstarter for Stellar Chaos! We talk about the game, philosophy, and favorite sub sandwich. Which is obviously meatball marinara, there is no other answer. Know that in your heart of hearts.

Check out our Guests here!
Be sure to get over their Kickstarter and show them some love as well! Click here!

Do /Review

DCEU’s True Superman Will Be Born in Justice League

Bit o’ Bass Sandwich: Culprate – Nightmares In Reality

Plugs and Amazing Folks

Be sure to check out our Patreon

Check out this amazing charity! Operation Supply Drop
Follow their twitter: @OperationSupplyDrop

Be sure to hit up the Wayward Ravens and check out their store be sure to use our discount code on their purchases! DC: neckbeard 

Tweet the Geek Cast

Related Websites
For all the in’s and out’s this on the Geek Cast Crew: Geek Cast Live
Check out G2V PodcastDungeons and Randomness, and Movie Podcast Weekly because they’re awesome. Duh.

Shout Out To Our Patreon Supporters! Every penny brings us one step closer to destroying the moon.
ASAP from NY, Dan the Man from Chicago, Vikram aka Addam aka Lil’ Squire from the Hood from Narnia, and Gomez, son of Gomez, from Chicago  ,  Flashy Brett Javier from MoonBase Alpha, and Tim.

Geek Cast Live Ep016: 50 Shades of Greyjoy

50 shades


This week the Geek Cast Crew invites back one of our founding members, Geek Gurl Jo! The crew does a hashtag review of this weeks Game of Thrones, followed by a quick review of Captain America 2 and Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. After that we dive in the depths of Westoros and A Song of Ice and Fire, to show you why we truly love Game of Thrones and everything it entails. After that we find out their is a traitor among us… Which may or may not prove to be some sort of interesting.

Caravan Palace – Clash

Plugs and Amazing Folks
Check out this amazing charity! Operation Supply Drop
Follow their twitter: @OperationSupplyDrop
And definitely check out Death Wish Coffee because it’ll make a man of you

Tweet the Geek Cast

Related Websites
For all the in’s and out’s this on the Geek Cast Crew: Geek Cast Live
Check out Pour Sports LiveNatalie’s Book Review, and Movie Podcast Weekly because they’re awesome. Duh.

Geek Cast Live Ep011: The Return of Sig-Ned and The Attempted Murder


DUCK! Nope, actually it’s a raven. Wayward Raven joins us for a fantastic episode giving us an update in the comic world, their latest productions, and the origin story of this legendary group. Rob wages a one man war on black coffee… It wasn’t pretty.  Walking Dead gets another week of hashtag reviews. Don’t forget to check out the Geekery and see what’s been up our alley this week.

Check out the coffee supreme here

Don’t forget to keep tabs on Wayward Raven for updates!
Keep up with their twitter: @waywardraven


Plugs and Amazing Folks
Check out this amazing charity! Operation Supply Drop
And follow their twitter: @OperationSupplyDrop

Tweet the Geek Cast

Related Websites
For all the in’s and out’s this on the Geek Cast Crew: Geek Cast Live
Check out Pour Sports LiveNatalie’s Book Review, and Movie Podcast Weeklybecause they’re awesome. Duh.

Geek Cast Live Ep010: Whispers, Rumors, & Fat Val Kilmer


This week on Geek Cast Live, Joe and Ry trek through the perilous world of conspiracy theories. In Batman vs Superman, we have a free-for-all of epic proportion… Because Batman. Once again we get a complete summary of the Walking Dead, using only hashtags, of course. Can these two champion their geek flags and conquer this insurmountable challenge? Probably, because it’s already been recorded and posted. Enjoy!

Leo Conspiracy Letters
Japanese Ska

Plugs and Amazing Folks
Check out this amazing charity! Operation Supply Drop
And follow their twitter: @OperationSupplyDrop

Tweet the Geek Cast

Related Websites
For all the in’s and out’s this on the Geek Cast Crew: Geek Cast Live
Check out Pour Sports LiveNatalie’s Book Review, and Movie Podcast Weekly because they’re awesome. Duh.