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Another week sans the Nic, but the Geek Cast crew trudges on! This week we talk all things WestWorld, Halloween, and Spoilers. Things get heated. Heads are banged. We all stare in awe at laser shows and bass sounds. How a Halloween should be. Happy Samhain, and go Cubs go!
Do Review: Dialect
Old Hallows Bass: RL Grime & What So Not – Tell Me (Rudebrat Heavy Metal Edit)
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Hey guys,
I half enjoyed (and half hated) this episode. ha ha. I laughed a lot, though. Here are just a couple of notes:
@RobBass – Thanks for your noble efforts.
@CartoonJoe – Realistically speaking, how could we (a widespread, collective “we”) define or qualify / quantify what has or hasn’t become a “Cultural Touchstone” in 10 years? Not to mention how unwieldy that would be during an everyday conversation: You’d have to mutually agree on two verdicts, namely, 1.) Is the media 10 years or older? — Easy to determine but nevertheless cumbersome… and 2.) Has it become a “Cultural Touchstone”? I just can’t see people determining the answers to those two questions before having every little pop culture conversation.
@Ryan – The answer to your question: When is the responsibility NOT on you to “protect” people from spoilers? It’s very simple, actually. In cordial conversation among friends, which is to say, people you like or care about, it is always and evermore your responsibility to be considerate of others… To be clear, I’m not saying you can never talk about spoilers ever again! I’m just saying it’s common decency to give a heads-up — just in case someone hasn’t had the good fortune of sharing the same media experiences as the Great Geek Cast Ry. ; ) Then they are warned. If they don’t want to hear what you’re about to say, they can plug their ears or leave the room, but at least they were given the option.
By the way, I am behind on watching “The Walking Dead,” which is my fault, not yours. And in this very episode, you did spoil (for me) that Glenn dies, but again, my fault for listening to your show. I knew going in that you guys aren’t always careful about spoilers, so I took the risk to listen. Again, my fault, not yours, but nevertheless, kind of a bummer for me. I know … cry you a river, right?
The Good News:
I have started watching “Westworld,” but when you guys began discussing it near the beginning of this episode, I took my headphones off and just skipped several minutes of your show to get to the Spoiler Culture discussion. No harm done, I guess, but it was another bummer to miss part of your show. (Maybe you didn’t spoil anything at all, but I just can’t risk it, because regardless of how much I love you guys, you have proven to me that you can’t be trusted with spoilers…) ha ha ha ; )
Oh, and yes, “Here’s lookin’ at you, Kid,” is in fact from “Casablanca.” (Not a spoiler.)
Much love. You guys are hilarious.
Movie Podcast Weekly
Something Jason said there^ speaks to what I was saying last week, that responsibility goes both ways… and consistency matters. I know whenever I listen to GCL that I’m taking on the risk of having certain things spoiled… like TWD (like Jason, I have not had a chance to watch the season 7 episodes yet because life and World Series games happened). Yes, a little heads up before spoiling something recent would be nice, but I know how you guys roll and that’s a risk I’m willing to take. Conversely, if you dropped that spoiler out of the blue on MPW, then I’d be pretty pissed.
I think it’s interesting to note that, while Ryan and I fall on very opposite ends of the spoiler conversation, we still seem to agree on most basic rules of etiquette regarding spoilers and the fact that online spoiler culture has become ridiculous.
What he said ^